Mark Schweizer, Christoph Berchtold
Blum/Savvides (eds.), Brand Protection Online, London 2017, 271-285
Publication year: 2017

Brand Protection Online is a go-to guide for any user or adviser in need of strategies to combat IP infringement in the digital world or to get up to speed with the latest developments affecting brand holders online.

Online channels offer unprecedented growth opportunities for businesses. But as brands become increasingly accessible online, so too do they become more susceptible to trademark infringement, anti-competitive behaviour and hijacking by cybersquatters, phishers and scammers. With the potential to divert business, or even irreparably tarnish brand reputation, it is important that companies do everything in their power to protect against IP infringement online.

Featuring contributions from a host of leading experts in the field, this new and practically-focused title tackles the core issues of infringement and abuse online, analysing key trademark issues that businesses face on the Internet.

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